Fran's Journal Fran's Journey of Hope

January 5, 2009

Over halfway at last

Filed under: Uncategorized — Fran @ 7:47 am

I cant believe that it I am nearly 10 weeks in to chemo and there is only 8 to go. It has seemed liked an eternity, but also another eternity to go. I read of people that have longer sentences of chemo or repeat courses and marvel at their strength. It is so true that God gives us the ability to face our path and that one only. Each morning I despair of having to go through another day, but then as the day goes by I realise I have achieved some more time and that means there is less to go. It is a small token of encouragement.

The Christmas cycle was a great gift of so many people’s time and support. With the wedding and festive season, it seemed to be a full time. Now it is back to the humdrum of everyone being at work. Mike starts his new job as Executive Director at QE11 Hospital today. That is good as it means less travel for him and he is closer should I need any support. But it is sad as he has been so supportive, learning the caring role – not one that comes easy to him. He is showing great patience with me and learning the routine. For this I am so appreciative as it makes each day a little easier.

Many people visit and tell me that I look good. I appreciate their words. It is frustrating though because inside myself I just feel this dead, toxic feeling of sickness and wonder what others see. I guess that is where how you feel is often in the mind and the perspective that you chose to see life from. I guess I go on about this dead feeling a bit. It is because I feel I cannot adequately describe the second sense that I have that some of my body is being poisoned. Perhaps I ramble on about it becasue I find it hard to accept that this is what I am doing to myself. And maybe I just don’t accept that I have to go through chemo. I will be ever so relieved once the CTScan is done in a couple of weeks becasue I think it will make life so much more easier to know that the chemo is taking effect and that I have not wasted 12 weeks of being sick for no gain. I keep myself on hold waiting for those results, as I do not want to be angry if the results are not good and I have wasted time. But if that is the case, you make decisions with the information that you have at the time and you cant kick yourself for what you could not know.

I guess too I still am trying to accept that I have cancer. It is a thought that sits in the back of my mind, part of who I am but not. I have physical signs that things are happening – different pains, intoleracne to fat, bloating and new lumps in the abdomen, that affirm that it is all true. But it is still this weird thing that is happening around me and not to me. It is sometimes like a charade that everyone is playing out with me. When will the end come and we all live happily ever after? When is the game up and we all get back on with our life that we lived up to a few months ago?

1 Comment

  1. Frances, I have just learned of your illness! I think of you so often over the years, and now it turns out that we are back in touch like this. I remember you being so energetic and full of fun when we worked together, and I admired you and loved working with you. Now I sit in awe of you, reading your words, writing in your turmoil, bravery, and fear. Oh Frances, if only the urge in my heart could translate to your healing! I hold you in my heart as I pray, with love. From Margaret.

    Comment by Margaret Stone — January 23, 2009 @ 8:30 pm

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