Fran's Journal Fran's Journey of Hope

December 12, 2008

Prayer request

Filed under: Uncategorized — Fran @ 1:30 am

I am home after having the best start to a cycle to date. Thank God.

Before I started this cycle, Rick told me that he will do a CT Scan around the 19th January to assess progress. If that scan shows that there has been no reduction in tumour size, Rick will cease chemotherapy. This did put a dampener on my spirits.

It has also motivated me to push past the side effects and demonstrate some more of the pluck that everyone else believes I have to show Rick that I can do the chemo. In hope that if the results are not too good, Rick may consider that it is still worth doing the full course of chemo. This is the only part of the chemo that I can control in anyway.

My prayer request is for the best CT result that is in God’s plan and that we have peace about the decision that is then made.

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